Battle for gold and glory in this family fantasy game! You and all your adventuring friends will be competing to sneak, search, and storm different mystical locations! Each of these will take a different combination of adventure cards, so you'll have to collect and play yours wisely. The two players with the most adventurers on any location when it is complete will earn coins, and the player with the most coins when the dragon's lair (the final location) is completed wins the game!
Great for families! This game is fun for kids and adults too.
Includes 68 adventurer cards, 50 treasure coins, 32 adventurer meeples, 21 location cards, 16 enhancement cards, 6 goblin meeples, 6 custom dice, and the instructions.
2-4 players, ages 10+
30 minute playing time
10.5 x 8 x 2.5 inches